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Member Feature - Jordan Littman

Scrolling through the Instagram of Jordan Littman is nothing but relatable, inspiring and freeing. His poems are deep and give off a great balance between being lost and found. After following this poet for some time, we're so excited that we can finally hold his words in our own hands as he released his debut poetry book, "Perfection - 10 Years of Love". Scroll down to check out our interview with him!

1. When did you start writing poetry?

When I was a child, I always enjoyed writing small poems and songs, but as I grew up, I turned to that creative outlet less and less. Then in 2019, I came back to writing as a way to reflect on my experiences and found writing poetry to be a very calming and fulfilling activity. 

2. Why did you decide to start sharing your words on Instagram?

In early 2020, I developed the idea for my first poetry book. As I started looking into how I could go about publishing it, I found the amazing poetry community on Instagram (I had actually never had an Instagram account before that!) and I was inspired to start posting my poems and sharing my work with others. It has been very rewarding to get amazing feedback and to know that my words have been meaningful to others!


3. You’ve self published your first poetry book “Perfection: 10 years of Love”, can you give us any details about it and what inspired you to write it? 

Perfection: 10 Years of Love was released on June 1, 2021 and is the culmination of one and half years of reflection on my relationship with my wife. Last July marked 10 years since we first met and the release date of June 1st coincides with our 8 year wedding anniversary. Perfection is not about perfect people, nor is it about a perfect relationship. Rather, it is a book all about the imperfections that make relationships truly special and the appreciation of the small things that bring us closer to our loved ones. Much like any meaningful relationship, we have our good days and our bad days and Perfection captures all of it. My love of wordplay and numbers is also highlighted through many references to the number 10 throughout the book, including the 10 chapters that guide the reader through the journey of our relationship.

4. Which platform did you use to self publish and would you recommend it to others? 

I used Kindle Direct Publishing to self publish, after learning all about it through the Poet Possibility courses. It has been a very simple process, that has made it very easy to go from my finished manuscript to paperback and eBook. While I am always keeping my eyes open for other platforms that could add additional benefit or ease, I would certainly recommend KDP to authors wishing to self publish.


5. What does your writing/creating process look like?

Often the start of poem will come to me in the quiet moments in bed at night or, sometimes, in the shower. The trick is in trying to remember them until I can get to my phone or computer. Since I have been making a special effort to write more in the last 2 years, I have also tried to block off some time in an otherwise busy weekly schedule to devote to brainstorming and writing. I’m sure there are many others out there who are trying to balance their careers and responsibilities to their spouse and children, with their passion for writing (and it isn’t easy!). Luckily, I find some solace and comfort in writing and it helps to calm me during periods of high stress. 


6. What is something you can’t create without? 

My computer. I have always had terrible handwriting (maybe this is why I became a doctor) and I have always found writing by hand slows down my creative process. I find having a nice clean writing app (I use Scrivener) has really helped to keep me focused and engaged while writing.


7. Where can others find you and where can we order your book? 

People can find me on Facebook at Jordan Littman Poetry or on Instagram at @a.mind.unsorted. I generally post poems there several times a week, sometimes about love, but other times, about angst, anxiety and striving for a better life. My book can be ordered from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Chapters Indigo. Links can be found at here.

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