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Member Feature - H.Duxbury

H.Duxbury is an amazing poet and author from Ontario, Canada. She draws inspiration from her life experiences and observations, which makes each piece very touching and beautiful. We've gotten to know her for some time now and are not only blown away by her words but, her growth, dedication and persistence to become a successful indie author. On June 19, 2020 she released her first poetry collection titled "phases" and it already hit the number 2 spot on the charts! We couldn't be more proud of her and we're honoured to have her apart of our community. The next time you're on Instagram, we highly recommend you check her out! Here's our interview with her.

When did you start writing poetry?
My earliest "poems" were when I was just a child. I only started exploring it as a serious medium in high school though.

What made you decide to start sharing your words on Instagram?

I actually hadn't ever thought of instagram as a space to share poetry until I discovered a poetry account and loved it. At that time I had started putting together a book and felt that sharing my work on Instagram would be a good way to get used to sharing it and meet other poets.

We see your poetry book just launched, congrats! What platform did you use to self publish your book? Was it an easy process?

I used both Amazon's KDP and IngramSpark. It was a challenging but rewarding experience, as both platforms require slightly different things and have very different approaches. I learned so much about the publishing process. There were definitely a few rough patches as I figured things out, but was incredibly fortunate to have poet possibilities, Wattney and other self published authors for support (and maybe the odd commiseration).

What advice would you give other poets wanting to self publish? 

Go for it! Start collecting poems into a single document, explore them for themes. Reach out to your friends and other indie writers. When you think everything is perfect, read it through three more times. Find the resources that can help you if you feel stuck. But don't give up. 

Where can we find you and your book?

I have a shiny new website! It is

I am also on facebook and goodreads as h.duxbury, and Instagram as @hduxburypoetry. My book is currently available for sale on the Barnes & Noble and Amazon websites. If you prefer local bookshops (the best, right?) they should be able to order it in! 

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